English Literacy Round 4

The theme of this round is happiness. In this round, we learned what happiness is, and how to achieve happiness. We read a lot of article and our final assessment is to write how to be happy when in life circumstance. I decided to write How to be happy when you have a lot of homework because, to me personally, I think that a lot of Liger Students have a lot of homework, and sometime they need happiness while they need to deal with all of their homework. 

How to be Happy When You Have a Lot of Homework

   When you study at college, high school or even middle school, you will find yourself getting busy with lots and lots of homework. A study from a researcher found out that less than 1 % of students said that homework is not a stressor (Levy, 2017). This means you might be one of the other 99%, who have been stressed with homework. Below are the three strategies that you can use to be happy when you have a lot of homework and start to enjoy doing it.

Listening to Music

If you are a big fan of music, this solution can help you not to be stressed while doing your homework. Researchers explain that music makes people more productive (“Music-an Aid to Productivity”, 1972). “music can make the task seem less boring, and it can also increase arousal and alertness” ( Cantor, 2013). Before you start doing your homework, first, create a playlist of your favorite songs or from your favorite artists. After you have your own playlist full of your favorite songs, put your headphones on. Then adjust the right volume for yourself. * It shouldn’t be over 60%.  Now you can enjoy doing your homework with music accompany your heart and your head. As Angely Rose -student at Liger leadership Academy- tests out the strategy of listening to music, “It helps me to find beauty in the hard work, and helps me relax while coping with the stress of work. As the result it makes me happy to work” she said. It seems like listening to music has a really big impact on working.  I encourage you to give music a try.

Move to a different environment

Sometimes, you are not in the right place to do your homework. A lot of books, technology devices, and the crowded area cannot help you to have your homework done easily. Being outdoors would be the best choice for you. First, find a fresh place that is surrounded by nature. Then the fresh air, bird sound, green tree, and blossom flowers can vanish your stress and it finds you the real happiness even though you have a lot of homework. According to a Forbes writer, Andrea Loubier, wrote an article “How Offices Are Innovating To Improve Our Happiness, Productivity And Well Being” mention that one of the four main factors that can boost our productivities, health and happiness is nature.  Nature can increase our productivity by 15 %. Since nature is a great source for us to boost our productivity, Apple, one of the biggest company created a new office design called, “Apple Park” that surrounded by over 10, 000 tree ready to help their employee to be productive with their work”(Loubier, 2017). The color green from nature help us to calm down. Moreover, the diversity of other color surrounds in nature produce us productivity and relaxedness. So if stress out while doing your work, move to a different environment.

Grab a Cold Drink

When you are stress, sleepy or bored, would you like to go and grab a cold drink or cold water? The same thing when you are stress with a lot of homework. First, take a break, then wash your face, a shower would be great for you too.  “Just like taking a cold shower releases body stress, drinking cold water has the same effect on your body by working on the immunity. ” (2018). Next, go and grab a glass of cold water or grab your favorite drink from the refrigerator. Take a sip of the cold drink, and “Ahhh” you would feel fresh and ready to get back to work on your homework. Now you can do your homework happily without stress.

   Next time when you do feel like part of your body sore because of stress          while doing your homework, just do one of these three strategies, then you would feel better and ready to get back working on your homework. No more stress, while doing homework.  

Outdoor Leadership

Have you ever known that you can find your way back home by using your watch? Honestly, I did not. Have you ever known that there are hornbills and pine tree in Cambodia? I did not, and it amazed me when I know it. It all comes in one in Outdoor Leadership exploration. Base on the name, we explore thing outdoor with leadership. During these seven weeks, we observe nature, learn about caring and loving nature, emergency first aid and living with nature. We went to two trips. The first trip was in Kirirom and that was the time I realized that Cambodia has hornbills and pine trees. We trekked for hours to reach our goal, heaven cliff and it is the cliff of heaven. After we arrived there, we did a lot of activities. One of my favorites is roasting marshmallows. It’s hard to get the good taste of marshmallow because you need to pass the hot fire and stay for a while to wait for it until it is brown and that’s when it is a perfectly roasted marshmallow. After three weeks, we went on the second trip to Mondulkiri. We camp near the valley and we spend two days on trucking to discover the hidden waterfall in the forest. The water was cold and there are a lot of wild guppies swimming around. I also saw one fish that looks like a gecko. I don’t know why, but it swims and then pause. I really want to get it into my palm, but I’m afraid that it would be poison or something. However, I finally got it into my palm since it did not move that fast and also because I really love fishes. It was a memorable moment. We trekked back. In total, I think we trekked more than 20 km in both days. I was tired but at the same time it worth it. I found out a thing that I’ve never known, I also realized that I love trekking so much now.

STEM Round 4

In this round, we focus on motion and force. We are learning thing that we don’t really think about. One of my highlights is making a balloon-powered car. I teamed up with one of my classmates in order to make it. We built it with one bottle, two sticks, 4 water bottle caps, 1 or 2 straw, 1 balloon, glue gun, and a scissor. Here are steps by steps to make a balloon-powered car:

  1. First, lay the water down. Make a hole on the side of your water bottle, it should be big enough for a straw to go through.
  2. Then make another hole in the middle of the bottom of your water bottle, it also should be big enough for a straw to go through.
  3. Now leave that bottle with two holes away, then cut one plastic straw into two. *Make sure that those straw is going to be shorter than your sticks.
  4. Put the straws into each stick.
  5. Now glue the water bottle caps on the end of the sticks. Apply the same thing to the other three edges of the sticks.
  6. After, attach the two straw to the body of your car (water bottle) by using a glue gun. *Make sure that they are equal because you don’t want your car to be askew and end up with going in the wrong direction from what you want*
  7. Now put the balloon through the top hole to the bottom hole on the body of your car.
  8. Then glue the balloon to the end of the straw. * Make sure that you can blow through the straw to the balloon.
  9. Finally, test your balloon powered car. Now you have a balloon powered car.


With the help of a balloon powered car, it was really helpful for us to understand the content.

Math Round 4

We learned three textbooks at the same time because of our facilitator, Sam thinks that they all have the same lesson, but they get more advance at each level. Those three textbooks are 5B, 6A, and 6B. One of the lessons this round is angle. I don’t think I’m good at angle anyway.  In addition, I was on a trip the whole week, while my other classmates learn about angle. On 1st April, I came up to class and there’s a practice exercise on the board. I paused because I don’t know how to solve that problem. Later my friend asked me if I want some help. With my friend help, I could solve it. This was the first time that I was not able to solve a math problem in math class. The reason was that I don’t know the secret of angle, and I want to tell you so then you would able to solve angle problems. The secret is, a triangle has three angles and the sum of those three angles equal to 180 degrees and quadrilateral has four angles and the sum of those four angles equal to 360 degrees. Later I could solve angle problems easily when I know those secret.

Technology/Multimedia Round 4

In multimedia/technology class this round, we continued coding by using the Python program. However, it’s getting more advanced. We studied the function, list and Python dictionary. Coding is really useful in some sort of way. To practice our lesson, we also use code club as our assistant. We can learn things that are helpful for our daily life such as team chooser, rock paper scissors game and password generator. In code club, we look at the assignment and then write the code base on the description. Writing code base on instruction is easy, but to choose by challenge I challenge myself to do all of the challenges that they provide. My favorites are team chooser and password generator. In other classes, especially math class, we use random.org to choose a team. However, now we can use our code to choose the team for us. For password generator, I can create a complex password at anytime I want. I admit that technology is really useful for our daily life nowadays.

Here are the link to my coding: 

Team chooser

Password generator